Tuesday, April 21, 2015

*Testimonial* Another Happy Healthcare Customer!!

I went to see a specialist for my knee (an Ortopedic Surgeon) and it would have cost me 300.00 out of pocket to try to meet a deductible or if I had nothing but with the AmeriPlan Program, it only cost me $141.06. A $158.94 Savings...then he needed me to have a MRI so he could see what was going on in side and that would have cost me $525.00. With my discount, I only paid $337.28. That was a savings of $187.72
I would have had to spend $855.99 if trying to meet a deductible. With the whole problem solved, I saved $363.35

Cindy G. - Ball Ground, GA

Visit www.SavingBigOnDental.com to learn more

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